

Distortion-Pedale verfügen über sehr viel Gain und sind deshalb Spezialisten für starke, wuchtige Verzerrung.  Auch die Clipping-Fähigkeiten sind erweitert, meist ist ein Hard-Clipping Schaltkreis vorzufinden (Abschneiden der Amplitudenenden).

Artikel 1-12 von 114

In aufsteigender Reihenfolge
  1. ALLPEDAL - Devils Triad - Jeff Loomis Signature Pedal
    ALLPEDAL - Devils Triad - Jeff Loomis Signature Pedal
    Introducing the Devil's Triad™, the ultimate tool for guitarists seeking unmatched tone and versatility. This distinctive distortion/boost/delay/reverb pedal was created in collaboration with the great Jeff Loomis, best known for his work with bands like Nevermore and Arch Enemy. The Devil's Triad™ is an all-in-one solution for both live performances and studio sessions since it was designed to deliver Jeff's precisely tuned high-gain tones.
    399,00 €
    Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
    Based on the Peavey amp, this preamp pedal is built to achieve that super saturated death metal guitar tone. Famously stacked with chainsaw tones to get that Slaughter of the Soul guitar tone. This is the high gain channel as a standalone preamp with some modifications. My modifications maintain the original character but are what consider "quality of life" upgrades as they just make it slightly easier to dial in.
    269,00 €
    Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
    What started out seeking the warm overdrive of the 808 but precision tone shaping of the ST9 to create anything from tight modern metal to fat blues grit resulted in the GRIM overdrive. Mix the versatile range of tone shaping controls with additional headroom from the internal charge pump and it's off to riff city.
    249,00 €
    Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
  4. Earthquaker Devices - Zoar Dynamic Audio Grinder
    Earthquaker Devices - Zoar Dynamic Audio Grinder
    Zoar is a medium-high gain discrete distortion (using only transistors; no opamps or diodes in here!) that has that touch sensitive amp-like quality to it that everyone craves. It has been finely tuned to create a highly tweakable hi-fi and modern sounding distortion, but with the ghosts of old school circuitry to deliver a grind that is both instantly familiar and delightfully unique.
    148,00 €
    Inkl. 19% deutscher MwSt. (kann je nach Bestimmungsland variieren, finaler Preis wird beim Checkout angezeigt), , zzgl. Versand
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